4th Avenue Underpass

The construction of the new 4th Avenue Underpass replaced Arizona's oldest urban grade-separated roadway/railroad intersection. This connection to downtown Tucson from the historic Fourth Avenue provides streetscape improvements, pedestrian and bicycle linkages, pocket parks, parking and retail, improved safety, and a “gateway” entry to downtown. The underpass accommodates the modern streetcar, and includes features such as widened ADA pedestrian walkways, public art, and separate bicycle lanes. WDG provided landscape architecture and urban design services including hardscape and planting plans. Our team also collaborated with the Fourth Avenue Merchants Association, downtown stakeholders, and public artists.

Dedicated bicycle lanes and widened walkways make the underpass a safe and easy connection point between 4th Avenue and downtown Tucson.

Rendered plan graphics were a component of the design process provided by WDG. These visualizations helped communicate ideas to all of the stakeholders involved. 

 A primary focus was the design of safety-conscious, universally-accessible walkways and pockets parks to support and promote surrounding neighborhoods and commercial districts.